The Mindful Way through Trying to Conceive

Do you want to have the support of yoga, mindfulness and ACT as you're trying to conceive? 

Why this course?

I want to help other women to feel safe, supported and themselves as they try to conceive (TTC). It's a course I wish I'd had access to when I was trying to conceive my first child. (You can read about my TTC journey here.)

How can mindfulness help?

Mindfulness will help you discover the power of turning towards your thoughts, of exploring them with curiosity and kindness. It will teach you the invaluable skill of stepping back from thoughts and feelings and staying connected to your true self, making your TTC journey one that you can navigate with ease, patience and self-compassion; whatever the outcome may be.

What does the Mindful Way through TTC include?

Using mindfulness, ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy), meditation and yoga at each stage of your menstrual cycle we'll turn towards your feelings and experiences to help better deal with the inevitable ups and downs. As a result of the course you will be better able to navigate the cycle of stress, anxiety, disappointment that can come with trying to conceive, feeling a greater sense of acceptance and ease with all outcomes. 

The course is divided into 4 parts, linked to your menstrual cycle (based on an average 28-day cycle but adaptable to all). Each module will include:

  • an overview video with mindfulness practices and tips for this part of your cycle,
  • debunking common myths and stories we tell ourselves,
  • everyday mindfulness activities to include in daily life,
  • mini guided meditations,
  • one longer guided meditation,
  • short yoga sequence suitable for this part of your cycle,
  • journaling activities.

All course participants will have access to our private online community to support you and remind you that you're not lost or insane or alone.


Will this course help me to conceive?

It is not the intention of this course. The only honest answer is 'it might'. Mindfulness and yoga have been proven to lower stress levels, which has also been linked to an increased likelihood of conception. However, the aim of this course is to make your TTC journey less stressful and isolating and more peaceful and even fun!
Unfortunately, there will always be some couples who will not become parents and others who will need help to do so.

I've never done yoga / I'm not physically fit. Is this course for me?

Yes! The yoga sequences are completely optional and you can skip them if you wish. However, they are designed for beginners, so they will be accessible for most people.

I've never meditated or practised mindfulness, is this course for me?
Definitely! You don't need any special skills or background. The course will assume you are a beginner but is suitable even for experienced meditators.

I'm going through IVF, can I use this course? 
Yes. I think having a mindfulness practice can be even more valuable in the emotionally-charged experience of IVF. There are some notes in the programme about how the different parts relate to IVF cycles and you can reach out to me at any point for guidance. 

I have really irregular cycles / PCOS. Can I still use the program? 

Yes! Definitely. This course is for all people trying to conceive and you can stay on each part of the course for as long or as short as you need. 

Want to know more? Click below to enrol.

A special thanks to Asha Phillips, fellow mindfulness teacher and psychotherapist with 35 years' experience specializing in couples, parenting, pregnancy and children, for her valuable input and feedback on this course. 

Jenny N. Wilde - Mindfulness & Yoga | © 2021
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